Everything that I know about Aging

I remember when I turned 40, there was a moment when I thought, hmmm I am half way to death. Then the moment left, life happened, and nothing changed. I didnt suddenly gain weight. There were not any grey hairs to be found, and my face didn’t suddenly wrinkle. Life was good. Actually my 40s were the best of years.

But slowly things began to change. At first it’s finding grey and running to have highlights added. Then frown lines join with smile lines, and stuff begins to hurt. Then 50 arrives. I remember thinking, hey you don’t look 50. I didn’t, but I was beginning to feel 50. I started to slow down which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but still a thing.

I remember the first time I realized that there was a younger person inside my aging body. I struggled with age appropriate style, and admired younger women for their ability to walk in heels, and cheesecake, I really admired cheesecake.

I never envisioned my limbs popping off with age, but by the time I was 54 I had received a brand new titanium hip. I named her Rosie after a burlesque dancer. By the time I received Rosie, in just a few short years my life had changed dramatically. Just like that. Not one parade, not a marching band, not even a party hat. Just farewell to who I was, hello new old person.

At 50 my moment of realization was recognizing that my existence on earth was limited. All of a sudden living a long healthy life with a multitude of possibilities was gone. There were new limitations, different possibilities.

Suddenly everything was done with urgency because I knew my time and abilities were now limited. The truth is they always have been, but for some reason we don’t live life like that.

So here is what I know

There are 3 stages of life. Each stage affects the next stage. What may not seem important now, will matter later. We are not given life to just be. We all have a purpose. Each of us.

In everything that you do you are setting an example, walking a path, becoming you.

Live life simply, easily, joyfully, and healthfully. Eat the cake, wear the clothes that bring you joy. Start taking care of your skin in your 20s, don’t lay in a tanning bed instead close your eyes and feel the warmth of the sun on your face, for just a moment.

Embrace your grey, be authentic, drink plenty of water and coffee, and eat only whole foods 6 days a week but on the 7th enjoy whatever you want. Have Sunday supper, take long walks, and hug. Hug the people you love, and hug the ones you don’t.

Save for retirement, say no to credit cards, and never live above your means.

Now read the last parts again. Do you understand my message?

Summer Bucket List for the rest of us

Every magazine, every list, all of the suggestions are geared towards younger people or young families. The fact is, the best time of life is when you’ve reached a place of peace, comfort, and less stress. There is still so much of life left to enjoy, and many enjoyable things to experience. So I’ve compiled a list. Wether you are sailing or biking being outside is really important. Vitamin D boosts all around.Let’s reduce stress. An adult pet is a good bet and sure to bring much joy.Of course there’s all of those previous moments spent with grandchildren.Here is the list for the rest of us. I hope you find them enjoyable, fun, and memorable.